It has been a busy few days in the Nursery syndicate getting to know the children, and also meeting such lovely parents and families.
Beginning school is a big step for small children, as they transition from home to school, where they are learning how to interact in a group, trust others, and explore a new and unfamiliar environment. This transition requires children to be brave, adapt to change, and learn how to build attachments and develop relationships with others, both adults and children alike. This transition is different for everyone, and for most it will have its ups and downs, as they get to know classroom staff, building trusting relationships. Our priority during this time is to support children in developing new relationships and ensuring they feel safe and secure, and are of course nurtured and feel listened to.

Another focus is on helping the children to learn the daily routine of their class and also the wider school. Currently, transitions are a little challenging, and children need lots of encouragement and assistance in choosing and engaging with different experiences, as well as moving throughout the school environment. Although there have been some tears over the past few days, children are growing in trust as they reach out and seek staff for comfort when they are unsure or missing their family. There have been many first experiences this week, with children showing excitement and eagerness to participate and explore during these times.
About our Nursery Curriculum
At the Australian International School Bangkok, we use the Australian Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] “Belonging, Being and Becoming” as our guiding curriculum. The framework is a very holistic and interconnected play-based approach that combines the educational principles and practices that promote children’s learning, as well as learning outcomes. We will often refer to this document to highlight the learning that is taking place in the class, and to explain the curriculum decision making of teachers.

About the Portfolio
Each week staff will upload a weekly plan and a reflection of the week to their class page on Seesaw. We will also send access to each child’s Google Drive folder, where their individual observations will be collected in a portfolio, as well as a bunch of photos from their time at school.
Within the portfolio, information about how each child is learning, growing, and changing (documented through learning stories, observations, photos, and work samples) are collected. As the school year progresses, staff will observe many different areas of learning to see how children are developing, linking their progress to the outcomes identified within our guiding curriculum. This method of assessment shows children's growth over time, focusing on what they CAN do, rather than what they are not doing. Finally, portfolio assessments help staff to plan their programs and to meet each child's individual learning needs.

As these portfolios are an ongoing work in progress, we hope that you visit and revisit these throughout the year, enjoying and celebrating what your child can do, giving you a clear indication of your child’s progress and development throughout their time in Nursery.
We wish everyone a wonderful weekend and are excited to welcome you back to school next week.
This blog was written by Ms. Sheridan - Head of Early Childhood Education (Nursery & Kindergarten)
Additional Information:
To view the parent’s guide to the EYLF curriculum:
For a more in-depth understanding of the EYLF:
If you would like this document in the Thai language:
For the EYLF Fact Sheet: