Developing a foundation in learning for our youngest students
At the Australian International School Bangkok, we use the Australian Early Years Learning Framework ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’ as our guiding curriculum document. AISB fosters a safe, nurturing learning environment for children from all backgrounds and abilities. We believe that the early years are a vital period in a child’s learning and development, and provide the foundation for life-long learning.
Developing the foundation skills for future learning
The early years of education are vital ones, in which children acquire the foundation skills for future learning. At AISB we recognise the importance of ensuring that our youngest students take the first steps in their educational life in a stimulating, nurturing and vibrant environment. This is the time when children enter into a social world that extends beyond their family. It is when they are trying to establish themselves as members of a peer group community. It is when they form crucial attitudes in learning and to themselves as learners.
By the end of the early years of education, children will have reached important decisions about their own abilities and worth which they will carry with them into their Primary Education. Our responsibility then, is to ensure that our youngest students have a warm, supportive yet challenging environment, and this is guided by principles drawn from The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
Children learn when they are having fun, experience success, feel secure and have a sense of belonging.
Imagination, wonder and curiosity are encouraged by creativity, child-centred, play based, hands-on learning.
Thinking is at the heart of all inquiry. Children are encouraged to connect and contribute to their world through inquiry and discovery.
Children have authentic opportunities in a range of curriculum areas to develop their thinking and problem-solving skills. They are actively involved in gathering and processing information using all their senses.
Children learn to be socially responsible and to show respect for others and their environment.
Children take risks to develop their social, emotional and physical well-being. They are supported in developing skills of independence, resilience and perseverance.
Referring to The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: Belonging, Being and Becoming early childhood education at AISB has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young children’s learning, providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. The framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including early numeracy and literacy) and social and emotional development.
Belonging – children feel that they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture and place.
Being – is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just be – time to play, try new things and have fun.
Becoming – is about the learning and development that young children experience. They start to form their sense of identity from an early age, shaping the type of adult they will become.