Secondary School is a time of great growth and students require understanding, care and support to navigate what can be a time of change and transition in their life. Our staff, in partnership with parents, create a stable and nurturing environment where our students feel free to explore, question and analyse the world in which they live; and where they are encouraged to reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally
develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills they require to play a full and active role as global citizens.

Our new four-story building is an excellent addition to our Sukhumvit Soi 31 school campus.
The Highfield building houses 11 innovative classrooms, which includes; 3 specialist
international Science Laboratories (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and Science Prep Room,
a Learning Hub (Library and multi-functional learning space), Large Hall/Indoor Activities Space, Art and Design Studio, Modern Cafe, Nurses Room, Exams Office, Student Councillor’s Room, Admin and Head of School Offices and Co-Working Spaces for secondary students. There is also a full-size Basketball Court, and easy access for students to the AISB Sports and Innovation centres.

Developing 21st Century Skills
Our central aim is to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st Century by developing self-discipline and respect for themselves and others.
At AISB, we believe that every child is unique; creative, competent and rich in potential. Our innovative and dynamic learning experiences cater for individual differences and promote a love of learning in every child. We are committed to guiding and supporting students through challenging academic programs that develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills they require to play a full and active role as global citizens.
Positive education is an integral component of our daily timetable at AISB and enables age-specific issues to be discussed in depth on a regular basis. Bullying, Resilience, Goal Setting, Cyber Safety and Positive Psychology are examples of concepts covered during positive education sessions. Further, through our scope and sequenced ‘positive education curriculum’, a range of academic skills that support students’ academic success will be implicitly and explicitly fostered. Our well-trained teachers play a significant role in leading our sessions; providing guidance and direction via daily contact with students.

Our Secondary school students strive for academic excellence and follow a carefully prepared holistic academic pathway.
In Years 7 and 8 students follow the Australian curriculum, with aspects of the Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum embedded that covers concepts needed as a lead into the IGCSE at Year 9, while bridging the Australian curriculum taught in the Primary years. Students explore a wide ranging holistic programme including a variety of core and specialist subjects, giving students a solid foundation to build upon in the Upper Secondary years. Students develop a skills in; creativity, critical thinking, enquiry, innovative and problem solving that have been introduced in the Primary years.
In Year 9, the students embark on the Cambridge ‘International General Certificate of Secondary Education’ (IGCSE). The Cambridge IGCSE programme is a two year course of study, culminating with external examinations in Year 10. Students will study the core subjects of; Mathematics, Sciences, English and Physical Education with Health, along with a selection of individually chosen specialist elective subjects, which caters for the students’ interests and future career pathways.
The Cambridge IGCSE programme provides students with the perfect springboard and academic grounding for their progression on to the world renowned Cambridge
International A level programme in Years 12 and 13.
This is a further 2 year in-depth course of study, where students carefully select a set of 4 to 5 subjects which cater for their desired potential undergraduate studies and future career. The programme is split into 2 years, AS Level (Year 1) and A Level (Year 2) often called A2 Level.
Explore our secondary curriculum and learning outcomes across different year groups below
YEAR 7 & 8

Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum is designed to help all students to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed global citizens. In Year 7 and 8, The Australian Curriculum will be taught in subject areas other than English, Mathematics and Science. Subjects include Design Technology, Music, Art, Health and Physical Education.
Cambridge Lower Secondary
Cambridge Lower Secondary develops skills in English, Mathematics and Science. It is designed to help schools deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that suits their context, culture and ethos. Students undergo Checkpoint exams at the end of study.
YEAR 9 & 10
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
The IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for students aged 14 to 16. IGCSE is an international passport to progression and success. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide as evidence of academic ability. Students study English, Mathematics, Coordinated Science, History, Computer Science, Art and Design, Music, Design Technology, Thai, a Modern Foreign Language (French, Japanese or Mandarin) and Physical Education. Students undergo exams at the end of the second year of study.
YEAR 11 & 12

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Levels (AS Levels) and Cambridge International
Advanced Levels (A Levels)
Thousands of learners worldwide gain places at leading universities every year with Cambridge International AS & A Levels.
The syllabuses are international in outlook but retain local relevance and develop a deep understanding of subjects and independent thinking skills. Students have an opportunity to choose subjects they enjoy and have the opportunity to specialise in more depth than at IGCSE. There are no compulsory subjects and students are free to specialize or study a range of subjects. Many students will also complete an Extended Research Project which allows them to develop research skills and explore a topic of interest in depth. AISB will enrol its first students in this course in August 2020.

A Unique Opportunity to Prepare for University
At AISB, we will be offering a Year 13 for those students who need additional time to complete their A Levels. We will also offer University preparation courses. To satisfy the English proficiency requirements of universities in English speaking countries, students also take IELTS and SAT courses. Negotiations are underway with Macquarie University International College to present a standard or intensive foundation course.
Through carefully structured and sequential outdoor education programs, Secondary School students will develop a greater understanding of leadership and fellowship and embrace various challenges in a supportive team setting. They will acquire the key traits of empathy and compassion, and develop a greater appreciation and closer relationship with the outdoor environment, as well as developing an understanding of other cultures and their place within a global community.
After School activities are an important part of the education here at AISB. Our students are encouraged to participate in a program of sporting, social and cultural activities that stimulate and nurture the intellectual, creative and personal talents of each individual student.
Through a comprehensive Health program, students develop health literacy to ensure they have the knowledge and understanding required to make informed choices about the health and safety of themselves and others. Emotional health and well-being and protective behaviours are developed through the explicit teaching of social skills, resilience and optimism and monthly focused assemblies.