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Secondary School Newsletter - 18 December

Exam stress is a very real thing. Self-motivation comes from self-belief and this requires positive thinking. Students need to manage their thoughts and keep a positive mindset in the lead up to and during the examination period.

Students often think,

“If I fail this exam then I am a failure as a person”,

“I can’t think of the answer immediately and that shows how bad a student I am”

“Other people find studying and exams easy. Everyone is better than I am”.

This unhelpful thinking is detrimental to a child’s health. Instead, we would like to see these sorts of conversations taking place:

“How others do in this exam is not relevant to me as a student or as a person”,

“All learning is valuable”

“If I do not get the grades I want I still have options”.

We discussed many ways to alleviate exam stress. Mindful meditation and breathing exercises, visualization, regular exercise, eating healthy food and getting enough sleep.

Of course, the best way to do well in exams is to know the work well before entering the exam room.

Creating the right study environment at home is vitally important. The area should be well lit, ventilated, organized, free of clutter and distractions.

A specific study plan is essential. It is always best to begin with difficult or boring subjects; the ability to concentrate highest is at the beginning of studying. It is easier to find the motivation to do things you like or interest you when you are tired and have less energy. IGCSE students should be completing past papers and ding timed questions as much as possible.

When studying, students should factor in a 5-minute break for every 25 minutes – the Pomodoro Technique that was promoted in an earlier newsletter.

When studying, students should factor in a 5-minute break for every 25 minutes – the Pomodoro Technique that was promoted in an earlier newsletter.

The Year 10 and 11 students are aware of the exam practicalities; where the exams are held, on what day and in what order. Parents will receive an exam information email soon, which will include the exam timetable and what students are to bring to each exam. Please assist your child in being organized at this time. Exams are held under strict Cambridge examination guidelines and they need to be adhered to. It all takes practice and that is what the mock exams are all about.

We are proud of our students and the approach they have taken thus far. We are confident that they will perform well in the mocks starting on January 14 and that they will be at their very best in the real exams in June.

Secondary School Assembly

The November Secondary School Assembly took place on Tuesday 24 November at the Innovation Centre Hub.

Our Director, Mr Greg addressed the audience on was his last secondary school assembly. Mr. Greg was presented with a bouquet of flowers by the students as an appreciation for his service to the school.

Mari and Pim gave the Student Council report, Mr Mark spoke about the Pomodoro study technique and Richily spoke about the Year 7 excursion to see The Witches.

Congratulations to the Secondary School Academic awards winners for November.

Student Council Report – Charity Drive

Our first charity event of the year, is a Toy Drive. Providing toys for children is a struggle for many low-income families, so we are partnering with Baan Nokkamin Foundation to collect as many toys and stuffed animals as we can.

The Baan Nokkamin Foundation is a Christian based charity which is primarily dedicated to help street children, orphans, children of broken families and children at risk. Baan Nokkamin Foundation operates 11 Children's homes for 137 children which are located in 5 provinces.

When we return in January, we would welcome any of your unwanted toys which we can pass on to the children in the Foundation’s care. A collection bin will be placed in the Brickendon foyer.

Written by Mark Weber - Head of Middle and High School

The Creative Space #1

Year 11 AS Art and Design - Benito's line experiments.

Beni did a continuous line drawing of his face and overlaid it with a wire version. We took photographs to see shadows and any interesting effects.

What do you think?

Secondary School Sports Day 2020

On Friday 4 December our Secondary School athletes took part in the annual AISB Sports Day held at the Innovation Centre Sports Field. At the start of the day, Wollemi were leading as a result of points accumulated from the sports days taking place prior to ours. During the sports day, students had the opportunity to add to their respected houses point tally by competing in both skilled based games and running races.

The weather played its part in ensuring the day was most enjoyable for all involved and gave the students the ability to give their best in each event they participated in. At the end of the day, there could only be one house winner. Congratulations to our winning house for this year which was Grevillia.

A special thank you to all the staff for their contributions to making the day a success but also to the parents for taking the time to come and support our athletes. It was greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to our overall winners in each year level!


What is Park Run?

Parkrun is a simple concept: go to a park at 7 am on Saturday and walk, jog or run 5k. It doesn’t matter how fast you go. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. What matters is taking part. Parkrun is all about inclusiveness and wellbeing. The format is simple: register once (for free), print your barcode, then turn up and take part wherever you want, whenever you want. Run with your family and friends! Try to beat your best time! Work up an appetite for breakfast!

Park Run has come to Thailand

At the end of November, Park Run was launched in Thailand. It joins more than 20 other countries in being host to this fun, community event. A promotional video (which includes a list of venues) can be watched here: If you go along, be sure to send us a few pictures of your experience. AISB encourages all efforts towards healthy, balanced living and community involvement.

The Creative Space #2

Year 7 and 8 English

Although we are all unable to travel internationally this upcoming Christmas holiday, in we decided to get ready for our next trip by writing travel brochures!

When writing a travel brochure, it is important to try and convince the reader to travel to your destination. This can be done through the use of persuasive language features. We learned about these features and did our best to incorporate as many as we could into our travel brochures. These features include rhetorical questions, emotive words, direct language, personal pronouns, repetition, the power of three, and alliteration.

France, Canada, the Bahamas...where will you go next?

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