Written by Mr Peter, House Master
It has been a magnificent start to the Secondary House system with students and teachers embracing the lunchtime challenges by competing in various Volleyball, badminton, Football, and Limbo challenges.

Both students and teachers have been learning new techniques and competing in a variety of sporting events while earning valuable House points and having plenty of fun! Hidden talents coming to the fore and competitive juices flowing providing the students memorable opportunities to showcase their skills, make new friends and earn some classroom bragging rights!

Once a week, all students (in their respective Coivid-19 year groups) have competed in a variety of challenges and it started with Limbo with Jo and Sana Wada winning the Year 7 and Year 8 competitions respectively. Rui in Year 9 was also magnificent!
The highlight of the week was the senior girls volleyball team beating the senior boys volleyball in a thrilling 3 set encounter! Well done to all the students involved.
Remember you earn valuable House points for having a go!
Thank you to the teachers that have given their time to support their Houses and respective year levels,