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Our Curriculum

At the Australian International School Bangkok, we use the Australian Early Years Learning Framework ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’ as our guiding curriculum document. AISB fosters a safe, nurturing learning environment for children from all backgrounds and abilities. We believe that the early years are a vital period in a child’s learning and development, and provide the foundation for life-long learning.

Nursery 1 and 2: About Us
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The core focus of the Nursery program is to develop strong, trusting relationships as children transition from home to a structured learning environment. These teacher-child relationships are the foundations for children’s feelings of security, allowing children to explore, meet challenges, persevere and learn. In addition, these relationships allow educators to play a variety of important roles in supporting children’s learning.


The best learning outcomes for children occur when there is a balance between child-directed play, guided play and adult-led learning. Children learn so much through play; it allows them to explore, discover, negotiate, take risks, create meaning and solve problems – all the important foundations for developing literacy, numeracy and social skills. Through this play-based learning, our skilled teachers can introduce and reinforce concepts for children to learn in way that engages each child’s interests, and captures their natural sense of inquiry, wonder and discovery.



Together with their homeroom program which is guided by the EYLF, specialist classes provide further opportunities to develop the breadth and depth of the children’s skills and understandings. Nursery children attend Library, an Early Years Music Program, Swimming and a Perceptual Motor Program that fosters an integrated approach to fine and gross motor development.



The AISB family is a rich and vibrant blend of cultures, backgrounds and experiences, and when your family joins us, we want to get to know you. By building strong, meaningful relationships with all our families, we can individualise experiences to better suit your child’s culture, interests, needs, abilities, disabilities and learning style. Families receive regular communication from the home teacher about their child’s program, progress and learning. Parents are also encouraged to contribute information about what their child is doing and learning outside of school, as this continuity between home and early learning can greatly enhance your child’s learning and development. Families are also encouraged to participate in a wide range of celebratory events throughout the year.

Nursery 1 and 2: Activities
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