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The transition to remote learning is challenging for families. Parents/Guardians need to think differently about how to support their children; how to create structures and routines that allow their children to be successful; and how to monitor and support their children’s learning. Some students will thrive with distance learning, while it may be more challenging for others. Please read through our available materials below to help support your families through our remote learning experience.





Remote Learning: List


The guidelines provided below are intended to help parents/guardians think about what they can do to help their children find success in a distance learning environment.

1-Well-being Always Comes First

The first priority for all of us is the health and wellbeing of our children (physical, mental, emotional).  We believe academic learning is important, but not  at the expense of our children’s welfare.

2- Define a supportive physical space for learning

We encourage families to establish a space/location where their children will learn most of the time. This should be a public/family space, not in a child’s bedroom. It should be a place that can be quiet at times and have a strong wireless internet signal, if possible. Above all, it should be a space where parents/guardians are present to support their children’s learning.

3- Plan the Work and Work the Plan

Much stress can be relieved when children have a planned routine. Students and families should develop a schedule for the day and the week to help students prioritize goals, tasks and deadlines. In the schedule, include regular times to exercise/move and periodic breaks. It is important that parents set these expectations with their children as soon as distance learning is implemented.

Parents are encouraged to start and finish each day with a simple check-in. In the morning, ask what is your child learning today? What are their learning targets or goals? How will they spend their time? What resources do they require? What support do they need? This brief grounding conversation matters. It allows children to process the instructions they have received from their teachers. It helps them organize themselves and set priorities. Older students may not want to have these check-ins with parents (that’s normal!), but they should nevertheless.

Parents should establish these check-ins as regular parts of each day. Not all students thrive in a distance learning environment; some struggle with too much independence or lack of structure. These check-in routines need to be established early, before students fall behind or begin to struggle.

4- Keep a Healthy Balance with Technology

Be intentional about scheduling time for children to move, exercise, explore and rest.  Build healthy limits into the daily routine. Monitor how much time your child is spending online. Distance learning does not happen solely online but mixes online, offline and blended learning opportunities so our intention is not to have children on the screen all day long.

5- Stay in the Loop and keep in touch

AISB teachers will keep communication with parents and students as concise as possible.  Read the information they are sending. Teachers will communicate with parents through email SeeSaw and Google tools when and as necessary. The frequency and detail of these communications will be determined by children’s ages, maturity, and their degree of independence. AISB wants parents to contact their children’s teachers. However, we ask parents to remember that teachers will be communicating with many other families, and that communications should be essential, succinct, and self-aware.

6- Maintain social interactions

Help your children maintain contact with friends and see them in person when circumstances permit. Please also monitor your children’s social media use, especially during an extended school closure. Older students will rely more on social media to communicate with friends.

Social media apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp, or Facebook are not official, school-sanctioned channels of communication. All of them have age restrictions and therefore require parental consent.

Remind your children to be polite, respectful, and appropriate in their communications and to represent your family’s values in their interactions with others.

7-Model being a non-anxious presence

It is understandable that we all are stressed during a school closure, we know from research that when we are stressed, we cannot learn.

One of the ways to help our children relax is to model a non-anxious presence for them by*:

  • Make enjoying your child your priority

  • Don’t fear the future

  • Commit to your own stress management

  • Make peace with your worst fears

  • Adopt a non-judgmental acceptance

The good news is that calm is contagious, and it is one of the best ways to help our children avoid high levels of anxiety is to effectively manage our own.

8—Take an active role in helping your children process and own their learning

Your child will continue to engage with other students or adults through distance learning. These social interactions and opportunities for mediation include turning to a peer to exchange a thought or idea, participating in small or large group discussions, asking questions for clarification, collaborating on group projects, and countless other moments. While some of these social interactions will be re-created on virtual platforms, others will not. Human beings learn best when they have opportunities to process their learning with others.

Beyond the check-ins recommended at the start and end of each day, parents should regularly circle back and engage with their children about what they are learning. However, it is important that you child owns their work; don’t complete assignments for them, even when they are struggling.


The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives, Ned Johnson and William Stixru, Penguin, 2019 

Remote Learning: Text


We want to ensure that every family is supported throughout their remote learning experience. Please see below a short note translated in 5 languages which outlines the support available from AISB.

Dear Parents 


If you or your child is having difficulty understanding any information sent to you about the school closure or difficulty understanding the teachers’ instructions or problems with the remote learning , please contact Ms. Shailly at Soi 31 [or Ms. Malini at Soi 20. Please let us know if you would like additional assistance for your child.




Brenton Hall




เรียน ท่านผู้ปกครอง


หากทางท่านผู้ปกครองหรือนักเรียนท่านใด มีปัญหาในความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับอีเมลของทางโรงเรียนทั้งในเรื่องการปิดของโรงเรียนหรือเกี่ยวกับข้อแนะนำในการเรียนการสอนของคุณครูประจำชั้น กรุณาติดต่อ Ms. Shailly at Soi31 and Ms.Malini at Soi20





친애하는 부모님께


학부모 또는 자녀가 학교 폐쇄에 관한 정보를 이해하는 데 어려움이 있거나 교사의 지시 또는 원격 학습에 관련된 문제를  이해하는 데 어려움이있는 경우, Soi 31의 Ms. Shailly 또는 Soi 20의 Ms. Malini에게 문의해 주시기 바랍니다


귀댁의 자녀를 위해 추기로 도움이 필요한 경우 알려주십시오.



그렉 올림





お世話になっています。明日から始まるオンラインでの授業について、担任の先生からのメールでの説明やオンラインの授業の操作の仕方に問題がある方は、ソイ20キャンパスに通われている方はミス マリーニ、ソイ31に通われている方は、ミス シェリーにご相談ください。また、日本語でご希望の方は、私、ギルマン陽子 ( がお答えしたいと思っています。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

















Remote Learning: Text


Guidelines for Teachers during Remote Learning

  • Simplify our approach

    • Where are we going (planning the learning experiences, assessments)

    • Where are the students now (knowledge, skills, understandings)

    • How can we close the gaps (teach / reteach, provide individual feedback or tiered feedback

  • Be flexible

  • Respond to student needs rather than ‘cover’ the curriculum (we are only teaching and assessing essential learning)

Identifying Essential Learnings

Based on your remote teaching experience so far, identify what you believe you can teach (and more importantly, what students can learn) by the end of the school year. Assume that we are in distance learning through the end of the school.

  • Focus on the essential learnings for students moving to the next grade (What has to be delivered)

Assessing Online – Some Considerations 

Evidence of learning should not only be through summative tasks.

You know your students better than anyone and any assessment task. In assessing students’ learning and needs, trust your professional judgement.

Students demonstrate learning and needs through:

  1. Participation in video conferences

  2. Interactions, documents, audio, visual, chats, presentations, Q&A, Extra q’s, Exit q’s

  3. Keep evidence of learning habits and performance (separately)

  4. Consider using a variety of formats to ensure the validity of assessments

  5. Consider designing assessment tasks that aren’t “google-able” to increase your confidence in their validity: develop some performance templates.

  6. Video and audio recordings of students may provide more clues than written work

  7. Handwritten work that is photographed may also give teachers more confidence in its authenticity; it has the added advantage reducing screen time

  8. Consider contacting parents with the assessment instructions and explain their role in ensuring that students will complete the assessment independently

Remote Learning: Text

©2025 by Australian International School Bangkok.

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